Education & Motivation
Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks for anyone to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays and moments of reflection.
How to make your job search more bearable
Looking for a new job sucks! No two ways about it. It is at times intensely boring, lonely, and (dare I say) soul-crushing. In this article, I share my toolbox for making your job search more bearable.
Thinking of quitting your job? Read this
As the great philosopher Beyonce said perfectly: "You won’t break my soul!". That song received a lot of criticism for advocating quitting your job if it makes you miserable. I know, I know, a multi-millionaire telling us mere mortals to just slam the door on your miserable job is a bit out of touch.
Why boundaries are key for successful relationships
In my experience coaching clients and teams, most people do not know how to set boundaries nor (equally as importantly) know how to enforce them. Read this article to learn how.
The art of networking
Networking doesn't have to be an intimidating and unnatural experience. I am a huge believer in networking horizontally. Read this article to find out more.
Why slow success is best
We live in such a fast-paced world that it is easy to think success happens overnight when we compare ourselves to others highlight reels but my parents always told me to pray for slow success.
City University Panel: What it means to be a woman in the 21st century
My summary from a panel discussion on what it means to be a woman in the 21st century organised by the BAME Women Society, Women in Business Society, and Women in Law Society at City University.
The worst form of betrayal is of yourself
We live in a world dominated by logic and reason. I have nothing against this, but it becomes a problem when we are taught to dismiss everything else.
6 signs you are a people pleaser (and what to do about it)
Being a people pleaser is nothing to be proud of. Quite frankly it stops you from being yourself and reaching your highest potential.
You contain multitudes
Never feel guilty about wanting to pursue different paths. It doesn’t mean you are flaky, it means that you are someone who will explore life to its fullest.
How reading can enhance your career
Reading can enhance every aspect of your life so it is no surprise that it can also do wonders for your career. Read this article to learn why your career will benefit if you build a reading habit.
Dealing with the pressure to perform
We have all felt the pressure to perform but it becomes a serious problem when it is constant and overwhelming. In this article, I give you my top tips for overcoming this pressure.
Why women need to stop apologising unnecessarily at work
Are you one of those people who say sorry constantly out of habit? You could be undermining yourself at work and impending your chances of advancement. Read this article to learn more about why and how you can stop.
Black Lives Matter
We all have a part to play in creating a better and fairer world for everyone and it can start right now. Just because you don't realise your privilege doesn't mean it doesn't exist and it is your responsibility to educate yourself, no one else's.
The importance of mentoring (and how to find your own)
Mentoring can make a huge impact on your life, both as a mentee and a mentor. Read this article to find out more.
How to give a great presentation
Whatever the occasion, on hearing the news that you must do a speech the common reaction is fear. This article will not focus on why you feel this way.
The sunk cost fallacy and your career
One thing I want you to watch out for in your thinking is what is known as the “Sunk Cost Fallacy”.
How to deal with discrimination at work
This true story comes from when I worked in hospitality in London and what I did when faced with discrimination.
Before starting your business, make sure you answer this question
Starting a business has never been easier, but you must ask yourself one question before you begin: why?